What did you do during lockdown?
I chuckled to see so may recipes for baking. Lemon drizzle, banana bread and sour dough!
Then there were all the creative hobbies being dusted off. Crochet, knitting, macrame.
And those hilarious videos of how people were spending their time.
You see, having taught creative subjects for many years, I am firmly in the camp that we all need a creative / sporting / musical / artistic / drama.
It saddened me enormously that school inspections concentrate on the core subjects of English, Maths, Science.
There is even an unwritten hierarchy within the staff where the artistic, sporting, creative subjects and their teachers are seen as ‘less academic’.
What a nonsense! Have you ever seen a Fair Isle knitting pattern or the musical score of a Beethoven sonata?
We can easily get sidetracked here on the different types of intelligence.
Intelligence needed to co-ordinate a film crew on location in a hostile environment? Maybe A level maths was not needed but some intelligent common sense on reading people was.
I believe we devalue the creative arts at our peril.
As lockdown showed they give enormous satisfaction.
Handmade does not mean poorer quality. See the wonderful pottery of Bernard Leach, Phil Evans. See too the fabulous knitted creations of Nordic women.
Finding a hobby that delights you – model railways Rod? – brings a chance for our brains to work on another level.
It develops that concentration skill, so missing in current instant gratification plains.
A chance to relax, to rewind, to work on puzzling something out whilst not under pressure to perform. My last complicated hobby was knitting fingerless gloves with a cable pattern! Five needles – took some patience.
And most of all hobbies bring joy! A real pleasure in a tray of home made bread rolls, a shelf of marmalade, a knitted gift to give away.
The sheer frivolity of trying something new. I spend many a Friday afternoon in a local watercolour art class. It is challenging – Mary does not allow us to use black, brown or grey, we have to mix all the colours ourselves!!
It is a wonderful way to finish the week.
Could I spend it clearing my desk? Probably.
Should I round off my accounts? Possibly.
Will I feel better spending two hours with lovely people dabbling with paint and water?
Good for the soul, good for the brain, good for me.
What hobby will you resurrect?
What hobby could you start?
We would love to hear.
ps have you noted that the creative arts are some of the biggest employers and contributors to our economy!
Perhaps it is time to make these ‘less academic’ subjects central to our curriculum.
But that is for someone else to pick up and run with! Could that be you??