As we age, we begin to understand the value of simplicity—whether it's in our daily routines, our relationships, or our approach to health. One of the simplest and most effective things we can do for our wellbeing is to drink enough plain water. No complicated formulas, no fad diets—just good, clean water.
Why Water Matters
Our bodies are made up of around 60% water and every system relies on it to function properly. As we get older, our sense of thirst can diminish, meaning we may not always recognise when we need to drink. Yet, staying well-hydrated is essential for maintaining energy, supporting digestion, and keeping joints and skin supple.
I am always surprised in my art class when many refuse a drink at the half way point.
They are bothered by going to the loo on their journey home. OUCH! We need to keep hydrated or our kidneys are going to be under-strain. Perhaps we need more public toilets? I can sense another blog coming!
Drinking enough water can help prevent common concerns such as:
Gentle Ways to Increase Water Intake
If you're not in the habit of drinking plain water, the good news is that small, mindful changes can make a big difference. Here are a few ways to encourage yourself to sip more throughout the day:
Begin your morning with water – Before your first cup of tea or coffee, have a small glass of water to start the day right. I add a slice of lemon and have been having this start to the day for years. Followed by a shot of aloe of course.
Use a lovely glass or jug – Sometimes, drinking from something attractive can make the experience more enjoyable. Water in a wine glass?? Why not!
Pair it with routine moments
– I always take a bottle of water with me when I go out in the car. No matter how short the journey, the internal competition is to finish the bottle before I get home. Road works, red traffic lights, all an excuse to take an extra sip.
Have a glass with each meal or take a sip every time you check your phone. Now that latter really could see us increasing our water intake!!
I find having a large glass of water to hand when I am preparing the evening meal reminds me to top up my hydration in the early evening.
Flavour it naturally – If you find plain water dull, try adding a slice of lemon, cucumber, or a few fresh mint leaves. A single strawberry too in the summer, simply sliced and added to the jug of water in the fridge really makes it taste great. DO NOT BUY FLAVOURED WATERS. If you check, many have added sugar!!
Herbal teas – What is your favourite? I love a ginger tea, mint tasty too and while not technically plain water, caffeine-free herbal infusions can be an hydrating alternative.
Give it a go
Drinking more water doesn’t have to be a chore. It’s a small, kind gesture towards yourself—one that can enhance your health and wellbeing in the most natural way. So, fill up a glass and take a sip. Your body will thank you for it!
How much?
One of the simplest ways to find out how much water is by using your body weight as a guide. The recommended 2 litres etc, takes no account of body size nor activity.
Take your weight in pounds, halve it and this is how much you require each day in fluid ounces. Sorry should have gone metric but this works.
e.g. 10stone = 140 pounds; divide by 2 = 70 fluid ounces. 20 fluid ounces in a pint. Answer 3 and half pints of water needed each day.