"Have you ever asked yourself

'How did I get here'?
Sometimes we just need a bridge. A way through the quandary we currently find ourselves in. 
Someone with a hand outstretched to hold ours. Someone to listen, encourage and support. "  

Alison Taylor

Welcome to

Here we are all about helping women, whatever our age or background be in the best health we can be and develop a strong financial blanket around us.
A financial blanket that will allow us choices.

Choices that reflect the life we NOW want to lead.

You may be in one of three places. 


Happy with life, the universe and everything.

Now the question is - what next?

How can you use your skills and acquired knowledge for this next phase of your life?

Let's talk.

I have a few ideas!


You may be asking 'When will life get easier?
When will I have time for myself?

Let's talk!


Or perhaps you have looked over the horizon and know that something is missing.

The pension stakes are looking dodgy.

The current work load is wearing you down.

Something needs to change.

Let's talk!

Our opportunity is for all of you. 

It is time to review. Time to find out what else is out there. Time to live the life YOU choose. Time to take control over your future, your health, your wealth.

Let’s start knitting that security blanket.

It is never too late to start a new challenge.

Especially one where your skills and experience are valued.
  Building on your terms. Building for your now and your future.

Let's talk! 

Like me, you may have had a very successful career. It started out well but then you found you were not where you expected to be.

Promotions eluded you?

Skills and experience not acknowledged?

Salary not kept pace with cost of living?

Job role changed out of all recognition?

We had always been a thrifty family, living according to our means. I had a comfortable upbringing in Birmingham. Mom had a tin with different slots in it for rent, gas, electric, food, girl guide subs etc.. A caravan holiday each year.
No bling luxuries but certainly a happy family life. 

How did we become a J.A.M family?

Just About Managing.

Did you take a career break?

Time out for a young family?

Did ill health impinge on your career track record?

Have you had to take time out for looking after elderly relatives?

Or did you deliberately step back from promotion due to pressures from family life?

Adventures too?

  • I took 8+ years out from living in the UK.

  • A fabulous adventure teaching in Bermuda.

  • The experience was life changing in more ways than one.

  • I met my husband and had two children.

  • Relocating back in the UK came with its difficulties and definitely dented pension forecast.
  • We have the memories.

  • Memories do not pay the bills.

You, like me, may have found it is the little things that are the final straw.

Let's talk.

  • Children grow!

  • Needs grow!

  • Budgeting became tougher.

  • Looking to support our daughter going to university was becoming a further strain on the family finances.

  • The final straw - simply wanting to replace a sofa!

  • Worn and tired; the one I saw, even in the sale, was beyond my budget.

  • Bank of Mom and Dad it was!

  • At age 55, that incurred a loss of dignity!

So what do we do?

Carry on and hope for the best?

Look for something different?

But what is out there?

Over our coffee break my colleagues and I would dream of opening up a tea room, a fabric shop, anything but stay where we were.

Problem? No financial resources to set up such a venture.

Go and work in a pub or supermarket in our 'spare time'?

Problem? Longer hours, more stress, remittance a pittance?

In 2006 - an opportunity came knocking!

Did I jump straight in - well no!

I had my blinkers on and could not see me starting my own business. No one in the family was entrepreneurial!

I was, however, intrigued. FOREVER CURIOUS.

I decided I had nothing to lose. 18 years on, it was one of the best decisions of my life.

Could this be a solution for you?

Let's talk!

In Forever I have found the opportunity to grow, to learn, to earn, to make new friends and to travel.

Forever Living Products 

Forever is a network marketing company with founded in 1978. Yes 46 years of strong business.

It was set up to give people financial freedom.

A platform for us to gain control of our finances.

That financial independence brings peace of mind.

At last I had a way of working around my teaching and family commitments, in the pockets of time here and there generating an income that eventually allowed me to walk away from the frustrations of the day job.

I was back in control.










Forever own 60% of the world's cultivated aloe.

They organically grow, manufacture and distribute their products across the world and now operate successfully in over 160 countries.

Just imagine, you can have start a business on your doorstep and/or in far flung places.

All from your own home.

Which aloe product would you like to try?

With its 75 nutrients and properties for gut support, not a day goes without my shot of aloe.

Aloe has been known about for centuries. Ghandi and Cleopatra both recognising its virtues.

Now science is catching up; the healing and health benefits are being more fully understood.

Have you had your shot of aloe this morning?

Want to know more; let's talk.

Visit the Forever Shop

Health and Wellbeing

The health and well being industry is predicted to be worth $8 trillion in 2027.

Forever is on that growth curve.

Right company; right products; right time.

What could Forever Living offer you?

Want to know more?

Let's talk.


Contact Us

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February 12, 2025
What did you do during lockdown? I chuckled to see so may recipes for baking. Lemon drizzle, banana bread and sour dough! Then there were all the creative hobbies being dusted off. Crochet, knitting, macrame. And those hilarious videos of how people were spending their time. You see, having taught creative subjects for many years, I am firmly in the camp that we all need a creative / sporting / musical / artistic / drama. It saddened me enormously that school inspections concentrate on the core subjects of English, Maths, Science. There is even an unwritten hierarchy within the staff where the artistic, sporting, creative subjects and their teachers are seen as ‘less academic’. What a nonsense! Have you ever seen a Fair Isle knitting pattern or the musical score of a Beethoven sonata? We can easily get sidetracked here on the different types of intelligence. Intelligence needed to co-ordinate a film crew on location in a hostile environment? Maybe A level maths was not needed but some intelligent common sense on reading people was. I believe we devalue the creative arts at our peril. As lockdown showed they give enormous satisfaction. Handmade does not mean poorer quality. See the wonderful pottery of Bernard Leach, Phil Evans. See too the fabulous knitted creations of Nordic women. Finding a hobby that delights you – model railways Rod? – brings a chance for our brains to work on another level. It develops that concentration skill, so missing in current instant gratification plains. A chance to relax, to rewind, to work on puzzling something out whilst not under pressure to perform. My last complicated hobby was knitting fingerless gloves with a cable pattern! Five needles – took some patience. And most of all hobbies bring joy! A real pleasure in a tray of home made bread rolls, a shelf of marmalade, a knitted gift to give away. The sheer frivolity of trying something new. I spend many a Friday afternoon in a local watercolour art class. It is challenging – Mary does not allow us to use black, brown or grey, we have to mix all the colours ourselves!! It is a wonderful way to finish the week. Could I spend it clearing my desk? Probably. Should I round off my accounts? Possibly.
February 6, 2025
As we age, we begin to understand the value of simplicity—whether it's in our daily routines, our relationships, or our approach to health. One of the simplest and most effective things we can do for our wellbeing is to drink enough plain water. No complicated formulas, no fad diets—just good, clean water. Why Water Matters Our bodies are made up of around 60% water and every system relies on it to function properly. As we get older, our sense of thirst can diminish, meaning we may not always recognise when we need to drink. Yet, staying well-hydrated is essential for maintaining energy, supporting digestion, and keeping joints and skin supple. I am always surprised in my art class when many refuse a drink at the half way point. They are bothered by going to the loo on their journey home. OUCH! We need to keep hydrated or our kidneys are going to be under-strain. Perhaps we need more public toilets? I can sense another blog coming! Drinking enough water can help prevent common concerns such as: Fatigue – Dehydration can make us feel sluggish and less alert. Give it a try if you are feeling less energised. Digestive issues – Water helps to keep things moving, reducing the risk of constipation. We need the water to keep waste material soft and easy to expel. Common sense really! Joint pain – Staying hydrated keeps joints lubricated, which may ease stiffness. Those aches and pains may need some TLC. Urinary tract infections – Drinking enough water helps flush out bacteria and keeps the urinary system healthy. How many times have you heard friends mention UTI’s? Keeping hydrated again helps every body system. Headaches and dizziness – Dehydration is a common cause of these frustrating symptoms. Rather than reaching for the paracetamol, take a large glass of water and give it time to work. Gentle Ways to Increase Water Intake If you're not in the habit of drinking plain water, the good news is that small, mindful changes can make a big difference. Here are a few ways to encourage yourself to sip more throughout the day: Begin your morning with water – Before your first cup of tea or coffee, have a small glass of water to start the day right. I add a slice of lemon and have been having this start to the day for years. Followed by a shot of aloe of course. Use a lovely glass or jug – Sometimes, drinking from something attractive can make the experience more enjoyable. Water in a wine glass?? Why not! Pair it with routine moments – I always take a bottle of water with me when I go out in the car. No matter how short the journey, the internal competition is to finish the bottle before I get home. Road works, red traffic lights, all an excuse to take an extra sip. Have a glass with each meal or take a sip every time you check your phone. Now that latter really could see us increasing our water intake!! I find having a large glass of water to hand when I am preparing the evening meal reminds me to top up my hydration in the early evening. 
January 10, 2025
Hello, lovely readers! When it comes to defining a “healthy meal,” the conversation can often feel overwhelming, can’t it? From carb-cutting trends to superfood obsessions, it’s easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of dos and don’ts. As a Nutrition teacher, I often find myself coming back to the basics—and in my experience, the simplest approach is often the best.
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